60% of people work out just because they see others doing it in social media and by that you are influenced by those people not really knowing your reasons of working out and when time goes by, you realize that you are falling off track and you don't have the energy to continue working out.But how about I give you three reasons of why you need to keep working out and how to stay on track, food tips to fuel your workout,a good and effective work out plan and other ideas concerning workouts.

3 reasons of working out that should keep you going.

  • To manage weight, doing workouts for atleast 3 times a week can help you lose some weight and keep your body in shape.Its not necessarily that you go to gyms so that you manage your weight,you can start by walking around your neighborhood and as time goes by you can progress by walking to long distance places and after 3-4 weeks you can see some changes that is if you are really serious about walking.
  • Sleep better, exercises can make you feel tired and also want to sleep,when you sleep after your body is worked out you tend to sleep even better.For better results you can try to take a shower after you have worked out then take a nap.If you have been having problems with sleeping you can try working out and see if changes will take place
  • To feel better, yes exercises can make you feel better this is because when you exercise brain chemicals like endorphins, adrenaline and dopamine which are associated to make you feel happy and confident are increased.So working out can be one of the ways to relieve stress.
Be positive about everything that you do and trust me you will achieve great results.

Food tips to fuel your work out.

Fiber rich and protein breakfast like oatmeal,start your day by eating healthy a mixture of oatmeal,banana,a cup of milk and some strawberries can be a good combination to start with.

 peanut butter and bananas can also be considered as good snacks that you can take in the middle of the day or maybe when you don't have the appetite to eat food don't skip meals instead you can take healthy snacks.

Choose complex curbs like fruits, vegetables and grains.

You need energy before working out so choose a heavy breakfast in terms of nutrition and you will be good to go.

Ways that will make you stay on track with your fitness goals.

Know your reasons of working out it maybe to lose some weight or gain muscles,remind your self these reasons each day and also picture the way your body will be after your journey of keeping fit(results)

If your goal is to lose some weight then you need to minimize the rate at which you are eating junks or you just stop taking them completely this will help you in a great way

Specify days and time for exercise,you can mark these days on your calendar.Its not really necessarily that you workout everyday,you also need some day off.

Let exercising be fun for you,you can have a group of friends come over to your place and work out together we all know how good friends can make anything fun, you can also include music in your workout routine according to researchers music can help with endurance up to 15% when working out.You can try timeless songs but I would recommend you to listen to wake me up by Avicci.

The most effective work out plan that you need to try.

I will share with you a weekly work out plan that will help you achieve good results that you want.Each exercise you should go for 1 minute and 3 sets you can rest between sets by resting I mean you sip some water and take deep breaths.

Monday: AIM FOR THE CHEST;for muscle gain and strength.The best exercises are incline push up,flat bench press, incline bench press, decline bench press.

Tuesday: ARMS; you need to try harmer curls,overhead circles, lateral raises,

Wednesday: LEGS; squat jumps single leg hip thrust,romenian deadlift

Thursday:AIM FOR THE BACK; deadlift,opposite leg thrust, donkey kicks.

Friday: CARDIO; box jumps, pulsing squats,ski jumps,toe taps

Saturday:ABS; bicycle crunches, side plank,reverse crunch, vertical leg runch.


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